1987 | The Lord had placed a desire in the heart of Pastor Joe Dejesa, our founding pastor, to pray for a Filipino-American Fellowship in San Antonio, TX. This prayer was answered when a Military doctor from the Philippines started a prayer group in the northeast part of San Antonio. The following year, the prayer group officially became the Filipino-American Christian Fellowship (FACF) and began meeting regularly in homes around the city.
Quickly growing, FACF moved their meetings from homes to Alliance Bible Church to accommodate the growing congregation. Saturday evening services are held.
1991 | God impressed upon the leadership of the church to expand its reach beyond the Filipino community to include all people of different backgrounds, cultures and ethnicities. To better position the church for expansion, the leadership changed the name from Filipino-American Fellowship to Lord of the Harvest Church (LHC).
1996 | LHC purchased 6 acres in the city off of Stahl Road and broke ground on a new church building (our present facility). A year later, LHC began holding Sunday Services and saw 125 people in attendance.
2002 | With a desire to reach and connect more people to Jesus, Pastor Joe is led to implement a new vision: Win, Connect, Disciple and Send with an emphasis on small groups, evangelism and discipleship. The church began to reach over 200 weekly. Our youth ministry began hosting citywide services and outreaches called Blazing Furnace. In the first meeting, over 175 people came with many receiving Jesus. In just a few short years later, one meeting saw over 1,000 people in attendance with at least 125 accepting Jesus.
2010 | Harvest Time Community Church officially joins together with LHC after both Pastor John Jones (Senior Pastor) and Pastor Joe receive confirmation from the Lord to proceed.
2014 | With a growing congregation of 300, Pastors Joe and Rose are led by the Lord, in agreement with the leadership, to hand the pastoral baton to the Youth and Young Adult Pastors, Jonathan and Hera Clatt (who had been with the church since its inception).
2015 | Pastors Jonathan and Hera officially become the Lead Pastors of LHC at the 24th Anniversary Service, “Legacy of Faith,” with more than 500 people in attendance.
2018 | At the conclusion of our Legacy Service, where we celebrated our 27th Church Anniversary, Pastor Jonathan announced, with the support of the Board of Elders, that we would officially change our name from Lord of the Harvest Church to Harvest City Church. Read More.
Where Harvest City is today—and where we are going—all began with a prayer. Every single step of faith that started a journey to lead a prayer group; to teach the Bible to others; to win, connect, disciple and send; to see people encounter His presence, be equipped for His work, and engage in their world all came through prayer. We are a healthy and growing church ministering to all ages and people.